Conflicts of Interest
The primary responsibility of employees at The University of Texas at Dallas is to accomplish the duties and responsibilities assigned to their position of appointment. Employees may engage in work or activity with outside entities and individuals, so long as such work or activity complies with the approval and disclosure requirements. Outside work or activity also cannot violate State laws or UT System’s and UT Dallas’ rules or policies. Activities on behalf of outside entities or individuals must not interfere with the fulfillment of the employees’ duties and responsibilities to the university. Additionally, UT Dallas employees may not have a direct or indirect interest, including financial and other interests, or engage in business transactions or professional activity, or incur any obligation of any nature that is in conflict with the employees’ duties to the university. The University of Texas at Dallas policies require the disclosure, review, and, where necessary, management of relationships that could be considered or perceived as a conflict of interest.
The Compliance Program is involved in the Conflicts of Interest (COI) governance process by:
- Participating in the COI related committees including: Performing reviews of the COI process.
- Review of COI disclosures and developing conflict management plans.
- Advising on institutional COI issues and processes.
- Communication of COI matters to the Audit and Advisory Group.
The UTD employees are governed by three policies based upon their duties and responsibilities.
- Conflicts of Interest and Conflicts of Commitment – UTDPP1100
- Outside Activity Policy Executive Officers and Employees Involved in Procurement Activities or Contract Management – UTDPP 1101
- Outside Activity Policy for All Employees Excluding Executive Officers and Employees Involved in Procurement Activities or Contract Management – UTDPP1102
- An employee that is seeking to obtain approval to perform an outside activity or seek additional employment must log into the Conflict of Interest Review System (CIRS).
Other Related Polices:
UTS 180 Conflicts of Interest, Conflicts of Commitment, and Outside Activities